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Royal Wharf Primary School

Charting Our Course To Success

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School tours available for admission to reception in September 2025 - October 23rd at 9:30am, November 13th at 9:30am, January 9th at 9:30am. 

How to apply for a place at Royal Wharf Primary School


Determined Admission Arrangements for September 2025 entry - please click on this link for more information.

Royal Wharf Primary School adopts the London Borough of Newham admission arrangements for pupils from Reception to Year 6.

Please read and make sure you understand the admissions process. This information is available in Newham's e-booklet 'Starting school 2025 (PDF)'.

Use all your 6 preferences and list (rank) the schools in the order you like best.  School number 1 is the one you want the most, then school 2, then school 3 and so on.

Fill in and submit the online common application form by the closing date. Do not leave it until the last day to apply.

If your application is late, you are less likely to get a place at the school you prefer.


To apply online, please contact the local authority directly, following the link below:


If you would like your child to attend our nursery, we manage our own admissions and you should apply directly to the school. See more information on the link below.


To help you in your choice of primary school, please feel welcome to visit us. We are always happy to meet prospective parents and show you what we have to offer. Please use the above link to book a school tour.


Click on the relevant button below to find out about our admission processes. We hope your application is successful and look forward to welcoming you to our school. 

School Readiness - A mission possible

Supporting children to be ready for school.


If you want to appeal for a place at any school in Newham, including an academy or free school you must complete the Council’s appeal form or send in a letter of appeal detailing all your reasons – these are known as your written representations. You must send your appeal to: Newham Independent School Appeals Service (NISAS) 1000 Dockside Road London E16 2QU.


Useful links regarding admissions

Please click on the links below for further information about admissions. 

