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Royal Wharf Primary School

Charting Our Course To Success

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Uniform Information

School Uniform Price List


Available to order online via School Gateway (for collection at the school office) and to buy in person at Ian Howard's uniform shop  - 409 Barking Road, 02084721729


Sweatshirt with logo - £14

Polo shirt with logo - £7.50

School book bags - £6.50

Water bottles - £1


Second hand items are often available at locally organised coffee mornings. 


Uniform Policy

It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school or when participating in a
school-organised event outside of normal school hours.
Aims and objectives

Our policy for school uniform is based on the notion that school uniform:

  • Promotes a sense of pride in the school
  • Engenders a sense of community and belonging towards the school
  • Is practical and smart
  • Makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance
  • Is regarded as suitable wear for school and is considered by parents as good value for money
  • Is designed with health and safety in mind

Royal Wharf Primary School uniform consists of:

  • Black knee length skirt or pinafore dress or summer checked blue dress, or plain black tailored school trousers or plain black tailored shorts (not leggings and not black jeans)
  • Reception aged pupils may wear plain black jogging bottoms rather than tailored trousers
  • Royal blue polo shirt with school logo
  • Grey sweatshirt with school logo
  • Plain black school shoes or plain black trainers
  • White or black socks or tights (not leggings)
  • Plain black cycle shorts may be worn underneath skirts or dresses in the summer (for modesty)
  • A warm, waterproof coat when needed

PE uniform
Children may wear PE uniform all day on the day/s that they have PE. Families will be notified re PE days at the
beginning of the year. For warmth, pupils should wear the school sweatshirt. Hoodies are not allowed. Pupils
with long hair must tie it back for health and safety reasons and earrings should not be worn. 
Year 1 to Year 4

  • Plain black shorts, track suit bottoms or jogging bottoms (not leggings, no stripes and no logos)
  • Plain white round neck t-shirt
  • Black trainers or plimsolls (trainers are more suitable for when your child has outdoor PE sessions).

School bag – All children must have a book bag to safely transfer items between home and school. There is a
school bag available and we recommend that this is the bag they use to transport communications, reading
books and workbooks between home and school.

Water bottles – We encourage every child to have a water bottle in school, to fill it with fresh water daily and
to drink it! (Research shows that it is important to drink plenty of water throughout the day for optimal brain
function because the brain does not have any way to store water. When the body loses more water than is being
replaced, dehydration will kick in and brain function will be affected. However when the brain is functioning on a
full reserve of water, children are able to think faster, be more focused, and experience greater clarity and

For health and safety reasons in school it is dangerous for children to wear shoes that have platform soles,
high heels, open toes, no back or shoes that do not support the foot. Children should not wear these to school.
Boots are not designed to be worn all day and may become restrictive and uncomfortable for children - they are
better off wearing sturdy shoes in the winter.

Lost property
All clothing, bags and equipment should be clearly labelled. If clothing is clearly labelled we will make every
effort to reunite lost clothing with its owner. Otherwise lost property is placed near the school entrance for a
time before being either donated to the School Uniform Bank (at the village hall) or recycled.

Banned items

  • Jewellery - children are not allowed to wear jewellery to school. The only permissible items are wrist watches (not smart watches or watches with electronic games) and very small stud ear rings which must be removed for PE.
  • Hoodies
  • High heeled and platform shoes
  • Open toed and backless footwear
  • Boots
  • Make-up, including nail polish
  • Dyed hair and extreme hairstyles
  • Mobile phones/Smart watches

The role of parents
We ask all parents who send their children to our school to support the school uniform policy. It is the
responsibility of parents to ensure that their child has the correct uniform. We will consider family’s individual
circumstances and may be able to give financial assistance for uniform items held in stock at the school. In
addition all families in receipt of Free School Meals on entry to the school receive a free t-shirt and

The role of trustees
It is the trustees responsibility to ensure that the school uniform meets all the regulations concerning equal
opportunities. The trustees will consider, with the headteacher, any requests from parents for individual
children to have special dispensation, either for religious or medical reasons, with regard to school uniform.
This policy, which has been endorsed by the Board of Trustees, will be reviewed regularly.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding this policy, then please contact the Head of School.
Further advice and information can be obtained from the Information Commissioner’s Office, which can be found by clicking here.
