At Britannia Education Trust we teach PSHE through weekly lessons using the Jigsaw scheme of work. This has been adapted to meet the needs of our trust and in light of the staff and parent consultation, which was carried out in 2020.
Through PSHE lessons, pupils learn what happy, healthy relationships are, such as between family members and friends, how to foster these and how to identify if a relationship is not healthy or happy, such as in the case of bullying, and what they can do about it. Pupils learn how to make healthy choices and develop healthy lifestyles, understanding how to take care of their physical and mental health. We teach children how to keep themselves safe in a range of contexts and situations that they may be faced with. PSHE lessons prepare pupils for the changes that they will experience throughout school and beyond that are both within and out of their control. Pupils are taught to foster and develop their emotional intelligence and resilience.